One of those days…

It’s going to be one of those days I can just feel it, I say to myself as I hit the snooze button for the second time. Monday night went late and I didn’t pull into the garage until just past midnight. I just want to roll over and curl back under the covers, its dark in the room no light from outside encouraging me to get moving. I begrudgingly roll out of bed and walk right into the shower; I leave the lights out and light a candle just so I can continue to rest my eyes.  I put on my jeans, you know the “fat jeans”, the most comfortable ones I own and even they are trying to convince me to go back to bed, the button is fastened a little too snug against my waist. My hair is another story I let it mostly air dry,  it falls straight to my shoulders, nothing fancy but its clean and doesn’t look to awful.  Grab my lunch and teacher bag as I head out the door and into the car, I look out at my foggy journey ahead. I am resigned to the fact that my day has to start and I am determined to make it as good as I can. I set up my room for the day and plaster a smile on my face prepared to greet each child on their way in the door. The first one is cheerful, full of energy, (I envy her perkiness) and greets me before I have a the chance and says “You look Beautiful, I love you Mrs. Bressanelli!” and in that moment my whole perspective of the day has changed, a little sunshine on a rather gloomy day. IT IS GOING TO BE ONE OF THOSE DAYS….. A WONDERFUL  DAY.

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