Thank You Wind 

Thank you wind for the garbage can across my driveway, it made me appreciate my backup cameras.

Thank you wind for blowing forgotten fall leaves across the sensor preventing the garage door from closing, I’m sure my neighbor enjoyed the show.

Thank you wind for blowing my money out of my hand at the Dunkin’ Donuts drive thru, it made me grateful for the generous worker who just smiled and gave me my coffee.

Thank you wind for blowing the semi truck only partially into my lane, my reflexes are on point.

Thank you wind for the white knuckles on the steering wheel keeping me on my course.

Thank you wind for slamming my hand in between my car door and the car next to me, at least I prevented a dent.

Thank you wind for needing a friend to help open the door, I’ll be sure to make it to the gym tomorrow.

Thank you wind for blowing my sweatshirt in the most unflattering way in front of my colleagues, at least I wasn’t the only one you targeted.

Last but not least thank you wind for giving me something to write about today.

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